TUTORCHECK: Highway Tutor DetectorTutor Check is the App that allows you to monitor and adjust your...
TUTORCHECK: Highway Tutor DetectorTutor Check is the App that allows you to monitor and adjust your average speed in a motorway area manned by Tutors while respecting the limits.The application allows you to use it for free for a period of 30 days. Subsequently, it is possible to subscribe to the service for 1.99 euros per year.Tutor Check constantly detects the GPS position and signals when you are approaching an area covered by Tutor and, once you have entered the monitored area, it uses the detected position to calculate the average speed.Why use Tutor Check?• Tutor Check helps you stay within limits• Tutor Check reports the average speed in the area controlled by the Tutor• Tutor Check also allows you to manually select the average speed you prefer• You can choose the layout thats right for you: basic or advanced• Suitable for cars, motorcycles and any other vehicleTutor Check assists you in the guide in a simple and intuitive way by pointing out:• The average speed in the section monitored during the journey• Visually and acoustically approaching and exceeding the set limit• Green if the average speed is below the limit• Yellow if in proximity (tolerance above the 5% limit)• Red if the average speed is above the limitWhat is a Tutor?Highway Tutors are automatic detection devices that measure the average speed of a vehicle in a given stretch instead of the instantaneous speed as speed cameras do.The Tutor portals, present on the motorway sites, are owned by the companies that manage the motorway. The management of the Tutors is headed by the Traffic Police pursuant to the Decree of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport n. 282 of 13/06/2017 published in the Official Gazette on 31/07/2017.The official source where all the active and controlled motorway Tutor areas are listed is the State Police website: https://www.poliziadistato.it/articolo/tutor.Are the Tutor routes signposted?By Regulation, the Tutor area must be signaled at the entrance and about 1 km before it.It may happen that there are signposts or signaled gates corresponding to sections that are not monitored. In these cases Tutor Check will not report anything, as the route is not monitored by Tutor technology (and not listed in the official list available on the State Police website).Functionality• Detection and signaling of the first Tutor gate in the direction of travel• Calculation of the average speed in the stretch during travel• Visual and audio signaling when approaching and exceeding the set limit• Possibility to reset and restart with the measurements• End of section signaling under Tutor control• Choice of speed limit set manually (very useful for novice drivers with reduced speed limits)• Choice of speed limit for weather conditions (if the manual limit is not set)• Ability to disable notifications• Average speed limit for the stretch to be covered (up to the next gate)• Distance remaining to the next gate• Display of the motorway section nameNB• To work properly Tutor Check must be opened before entering the section• Tutor Check does not detect Tutor areas that are not included in the updated official list of the State Police